
This purchase confirms that you (the purchaser) have engaged An Affair To Remember to provide Full Service Wedding Design, Floral and Decor Services in connection with your wedding on the date and location supplied by you upon check out.

We are incredibly excited to officially be a part of your special day and look forward to providing you with exceptional and unparalleled service our clients and colleagues have come to expect.

To reserve the date and services of An Affair To Remember, by completing the purchase of this date retainer service/product, you have agreed to a minimum service contract commitment previously communicated to you by our team prior to this purchase are submitting a non-refundable retainer of $750.00. *This minimum runs anywhere from $8,000-25,000

This retainer applies to our initial consultation, the preparation of your design plan, and additional consultation, as needed. The agreement reserves our services on your date; no specific rentals or decor have been reserved by this purchase.

This amount will be applied toward the “services contract”, which will outline and include the specific services, flowers, and decor that we will arrange for, and provide, prior to and on your wedding day. We request the services contract be finalized and approved no later than 6 months prior to your date.

If applicable, payments can continue to be made toward your contract commitment, according to the outlined payment schedule prior to the finalization of your services agreement (this will be emailed after check-out). All payments made will be applied toward the contract commitment and are non-refundable.

Changes may be made to your design proposal until the services agreement is agreed upon by both parties and signed.

We cannot wait to share this incredible day with you and appreciate your trust in An Affair to Remember! Now, check this part off your list! ….for now, anyway ;)

PLEASE NOTE: It is important that you confirm with our team prior to purchase that your date is available. If we have specifically directed you to this page, your date has already been confirmed as available. If for some reason, an error has been made on our part and we cannot service your date, your deposit will be refunded in full.
